Thursday, March 5, 2009

Descent of angles by Mitchel Scanlon

Descent of Angles by Mitchel Scanlon is the 6th book in the Black Librarys best-selling Horus Heresy.

The book is based in the 31st millennium when mankind has split across the galaxy to thousands of different planets. But this book is set on a planet called Caliban. Caliban is very similar to earth exept the foserts are much bigger and have geart beasts that are bigger and stronger than on earth.

One of the many key evets is when Zahariel fights a Calibanite lion in a thick forest near the city on Endriago.

This part starts when word reaches The Order's HQ that a beast is attacking a town called Endriargo and Amadis ( a senior knight of the Order ) comes from Endriargo and calls a quest against the great beast of Endriago.

6 months later Amadis returns from his quest so all of the Order's knights and supplicants ( junior knights ) gather to see Brother Amadis fatally wounded with broken and shattered bones, major organ damage and mass blood loss.

Before he died he called up Zahariel ( a 15 year old suplicant and very close friend and student of Brother Amadis ) so brother Amadis can give him his rotary barrel pistol and said " I wish Lion El Johnson killed the last Calabanite Lion".

When Zahariel finds the great best it turns out to be a Calibanite Lion and fires the pistol Amadis gave him but did not scrach it. After a while of fighting the Lion finally gets Zaharial in it's mouth then Zahareil shoot one shot in its mouth and kills it.